Zoral acne cream

...Acne treatment generally requires the following basic guidelines. First is for people to limit washing the face to two or three times a day. Over washing will all the more cause your skin to produce more oil. Avoid heavy cleansing creams. Never wash your face with harsh soaps or cleansers. It would be better to use purse soap with no artificial additives. An antibacterial cleansing solution or lightly medicated soap combined with water rich in minerals is good for your skin type. ...»
Read More: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com

«...Rosehip seed oil is also another home remedy which reduces acne scars. This oil acts as an anti-aging agent and helps in the reduction of wrinkles, regenerates the skin and reverses discoloration. It is mostly used in the cosmetic products and used for acne scarring, facial scarring, surgical scars, sun damage, premature aging, burn marks etc. This oil should be massaged twice on the acne scars daily....»
Full Text: http://acne-types.blogspot.com

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